What does uss mean

What does HMS and USS stand for?

Historically, the most significant navy was Britain’s Royal Navy, which has usually used the prefix “HMS”, standing for “His/Her Majesty’s Ship“. … 549 of 1907 which made “United States Ship” (USS) the standard signifier for USN ships on active commissioned service.

What does the USS mean in Star Trek?

United Space Ship The ship’s NCC-1701 registry stems from NC being one of the international aircraft registration codes assigned to the United States. … The Making of Star Trek explains that USS means “United Space Ship” and that “Enterprise is a member of the Starship Class”.

Why are Navy ships USS?

The names of commissioned ships of the United States Navy all start with USS, for United States Ship. Non-commissioned, primarily civilian-manned vessels of the U.S. Navy under the Military Sealift Command have names that begin with USNS, standing for United States Naval Ship.

Are ships SS or USS?

——U.S.S. means “United States Ship.” It’s used for Navy ships. “S.S.” means “Steamship.” It’s used for ships with engines run by steam.

What does NCC stand for?

National Certified Counselor National Certified Counselor (NCC)

What does UUS mean in Star Trek?

01:39. USS Enterprise. USS was an identifying prefix used before the names of sea-faring ships on Earth and space-faring ships of United Earth and United Federation of Planets. The abbreviation has been used to stand for “United States Ship“, “United Space Ship”, and “United Star Ship”.

What does BB mean on a ship?

Battleship BB: Battleship. BBG: Battleship, guided missile or arsenal ship (theoretical only, never assigned)

Can I name my boat USS?

Next up, USS. It stands for United States Ship, and you can only use it if your vessel is commissioned by the United States Navy. Any usage outside of that jurisdiction is strictly prohibited. As for privately owned leisure boats, you’re not technically required to put a prefix in front of your boat’s name.

What does t t mean on a boat?

T/T stands for “Tender To” as the tender to a larger vessel, ie..my last boat was a Grand Banks named the “Lazy Lady”, my inflatable was the T/T Lazy Lady.

What does CVN mean on a ship?

CVN is ther ship’s “hull classification symbol” while 76 is the hull number. “C” means aircraft carrier, “V” indicates fixed wing (vice rotating wings as on helicopters), and “N” stands for nuclear powered. So CVN means (in Navy-speak) “aircraft carrier, fixed wing, nuclear powered”.

What is a DD ship?

DD = Destroyer Ship. DE = Destroyer Escort. DDG = Destroyer, Guided Missile.

What is CVN in the Navy?

CVN (Carrier, Aircraft, Nuclear), a United States Navy hull classification symbol for nuclear aircraft carriers.

What does BB stand for?

It’s occasionally used as an acronym for basketball and bye-bye. More commonly, however, bb is short for baby as an affectionate term used of lovers, partners, friends, and even pets.

What is DDG in Navy?

A guided-missile destroyer is designed to launch anti-aircraft guided missiles. … The NATO standard designation for these vessels is DDG.

What does aft mean on a boat?

The rear of a ship, at the direction of a ship’s stern, is called the aft. And what’s wedged in between the forward and the aft of a ship is commonly dubbed midship.

What is BAE in texting?

“Bae,” Urban Dictionary says, is an acronym that stands for “before anyone else,” or a shortened version of baby or babe, another word for sweetie, and, mostly unrelated, poop in Danish. … Plus, are descriptions such as actual proper names and the words best friend, lover, irreplaceable, incomparable, etc.

What does BBG mean?

better be going BBG is an acronym that means beautiful baby girl. better be going—a neutral, polite way to end a conversation that might otherwise continue.

What does BBS mean in slang?

The abbreviation BBS is typically used in online and text-based communications to mean “Be Back Soon” to indicate that the sender will be away for a short amount of time. BBS contrasts with BBL (Be Back Later), which suggests a break of up to a few hours. It is similar in meaning to BRB (Be Right Back).
