Tammy Pate Obituary, Ryegate MT, Tammy Pate Has Passed Away


Tammy Pate Obituary, Death – Arrangements for the funeral of Tammy Pate Dalrymple, who resided in Sycamore and was 55 years old, will take place in the Family Ministry Building of the Bethel Baptist Church on Friday, January 24, 2014, at eleven o’clock in the morning. An interment service will be held in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Ashburn immediately after the funeral rituals have concluded.

Tuesday was the day that Mrs. Dalrymple passed away at Phoebe Worth Medical Center. She had been battling an illness that had not been anticipated. The birth of Mrs. Dalrymple took place in Ashburn, and both of her parents, Frank M. Pate and Janie Ruth Beasley Pate, had already passed away prior to her arrival on the scene. While she was employed in the medical records department at Phoebe Worth Medical Center in Sylvester, Georgia, she was also a member of the Oak Grove Baptist Church. Both of these activities took place simultaneously.

Among the persons who are still alive after her passing are her husband Billy Dalrymple, her daughter Amy Pierce, and her two grandchildren Ashton Pierce and Kourtney Pierce, all of whom reside in Sycamore. Additionally, her sisters Tina P. Little of Tifton, Georgia, and Pam P. (Russell) West of Sycamore, Georgia, are also among those who are still alive. From six until eight o’clock on Thursday evening, members of the family will be present at the funeral home to meet and greet guests who have come to pay their respects.

